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Statewide Election Profiles

You've likely heard all about the candidates running for president this year, but are you up to date with your local elections? Find the information you're looking for with Statewide Election Profiles of the six major races from KUER's News team. Follow the links below for the House, Senate and Governor's races, and click here for an ongoing stream of KUER's local election coverage. 

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Republican incumbent Rob Bishop is a Utah conservative who guarantees Utah’s voice is heard in public land management. Democrat challenger Peter Clemens says he's running because Congress is broken. 

Election Profile:  Rob Bishop vs. Peter Clemens

LISTEN to the debate recap here:   Bishop And Clemens Meet In First Congressional District Debate 

Republican incumbent Chris Stewart says he has one goal in Congress: to increase our personal freedoms by reducing the size and scope of government. Democrat challenger Charlene Albarran advocates equal and affordable access to education and healthcare, equal pay and conservation of natural resources. 

Election Profile:  Chris Stewart vs. Charlene Albarran

LISTEN to the debate recap here:  Candidates Argue Boundary Lines, Public Lands At 2nd District Debate

Republican incumbent Jason Chaffetz says his four guiding principles are: fiscal discipline, limited government, accountability and a strong national defense. Democrat challenger Stephen Tryon says he will work to raise the minimum wage, improve access to higher education and ignite economic growth.

Election Profile:  Jason Chaffetz vs. Stephen Tryon

LISTEN to the debate recap here: Little Disagreement But Some Controversy During Third Congressional District Debate.  

Republican incumbent Mia Love says she's your advocate for transparency, accountability and a limited federal government. Democrat challenger Doug Owens believes that too many politicians in Washington are more concerned about the perks of the job than getting things done for the people they represent. 

Election Profile:  Mia Love vs. Doug Owens

LISTEN to the debate recap here:  Love And Owens Spar In Fourth District Debate

Republican incumbent Mike Lee says he will continue to adhere to the basic Constitutional principles upon which our country was built. Democrat challenger Misty K. Snow says her legislative priorities are air quality, paid maternity leave, affordable healthcare and raising the minimum wage. 

Election Profile:  Mike Lee vs. Misty Snow
Additional Candidate: Bill Barron

LISTEN to the debate recap here:  Mike Lee, Misty Snow Tussle Over LGBT Rights, Religious Liberty In Cordial Debate

Republican incumbent Gary R. Herbert, running with Republican Spencer J. Cox, says he provides the steady hand of leadership by solidifying Utah’s position as the strongest economy in the nation. Democrat challenger Mike Weinholtz, running with Democrat Kim Bowman, credits his business success to his unique, people focused approach to leadership. 

Election Profile: Gary Herbert vs. Mike Weinholtz

LISTEN to the 1st debate recap here:  Governor Herbert Challenges Mike Weinholtz In First Of Two Scheduled Debates
LISTEN to the 2nd debate recap here:  Candidates For Governor Spar On Medicaid Expansion, Education In 2nd Debate