Ogden City Council authorized the city’s purchase of the Aspen Assisted Living facility, sending the Weber Housing Authority looking for a new site.
With a fire code exception from Ogden City, the Lantern House shelter will open 50 additional beds through April 30 when regular beds are full, regardless of code blue status.
The mayor’s new 50-page public safety plan for Salt Lake City details 27 city actions and 23 recommendations that will need city, state and county collaboration.
Some Ogden city officials want more homeownership and wealth in the East Central neighborhood, but the county housing authority wants their facilities to be close to services.
“November and December, it's oftentimes hard to find spots to volunteer in our kitchens and in donation rooms,” said Dan Benshoff of Volunteers of America Utah.
The Know-by-Name system is already being piloted in Weber County. Rep. Tyler Clancy is eyeing a similar statewide system.
Pinkney and Rachelle Morris, her Republican opponent, met for lunch on Monday. While “the votes didn't quite go our way,” Morris said, “there's a lot to celebrate here in what we accomplished.”
Some residents argue a code blue shelter would bring crime and drugs to their neighborhoods, but research on a similar temporary shelter suggests the impact may be small.
The bond doesn’t pay for the criminal justice services – it only funds the infrastructure.
The ordinance is designed to encourage housing in areas with more amenities. But advocates say the Ville 3306 project, which would convert a former Days Inn to deeply affordable housing, is well-situated near support services and a school.
After plans for a building in West Haven fell through, Weber County is out of compliance with the state winter homelessness response law. Salt Lake and Davis counties are tying up loose ends.
Salt Lake County Mayor Jenny Wilson and Republican challenger Erin Rider didn’t see eye to eye on how to deal with critical issues facing Utah’s largest county.