Matching Gifts
What are Matching Gifts?
Many donors are unaware that companies may provide their employees with a matching gift program as an added benefit. These programs vary, but generally offer a dollar-for-dollar match when an employee makes a personal gift to a nonprofit organization.
How do I use my employer's Matching Gift Program to benefit the Friends of Public Radio?
It should be as simple as requesting a matching gift form from your employer. You can send the completed form along with your gift. We will do the rest. Many companies offering a matching gift program will match gifts made up to 12 months ago.
KUER is a department of the University of Utah. When reviewing nonprofits approved by your company to receive Matching Gifts, please search for and select the University of Utah. There is often a place within the form to designate a department within the University of Utah. Please select or write in KUER in order to ensure that we receive your employer's matching gift.
You can notify us of your submission of a matching gift at
Mail your matching gift form to:
KUER Membership
101 South Wasatch Dr.
Salt Lake City, UT 84112
How Can I Find Out If My Company Has A Matching Gift Program?
By using the search function below, you can search an online database by company or subsidiary name and find out details about their program if it exists. The information you may find includes matching ratios, company contacts, etc. If you don't see your company on the list, be sure to ask your human resources representative or charitable giving department if this is an option for you. Furthermore, if your spouse also works for a company with a matching gift program, your family may be able to triple the value of your gift.